The Management Accounting module has been successfully operated as part of the ABS SrBank for more than 10 years, it is constantly being improved and expanded, aggregating the best methods of banks. This module is an integrated solution as part of the SFTP technology platform, therefore it can be used both in banks and in financial companies.
In the standard version, all system settings are made at the level of functional subsystems, because ABS SrBank, SrFinance software, which are primarily OLTP systems. Forming management analytics is carried out by parameterizing all financial transactions of accounting for income and expenses individually for each accounting document, account, operation, transaction. A deeper setting of detail is possible, at the level of the amounts of individual documents in the context of analytical components. The management accounting complex works fully in automatic mode with a high level of detail. As an analytical module for storing and presenting analytical data, our analytical data storage system (DWH) is used, on the basis of which all storefronts, OLAP cubes, various types of reports are built, both using standard tools built into the system and using BI systems from various manufacturers.
Each object of the system is positioned in the context of a standard set of flexible hierarchical classifiers of management accounting:
The correct compilation of classifiers forms a universal management model for accounting for the bank's financial results, used in planning, analyzing, evaluating the effectiveness of business units and banking products.
This approach allows you to completely unload accounting from analytical functions unusual for it, and at the same time – to reduce costs, improve the quality and depth of analytics:
Main functions of management accounting:
For the management accounting of non-banking income and expenses, a special "Electronic Applications for Business Expenses" software package has been developed, performing the following functions:
The results of financial transactions reflection form analytical showcases and multidimensional reporting in the form of OLAP “cubes” in management accounting, bringing the ability to analyze the full financial result of the bank, obtained from both banking and business operations, to a fundamentally new level.
The second derivative of management accounting is the calculation of an internal transfer and the addition of management analytics to the result of transfer accruals, as well as the redistribution of non-banking expenses to business units using special drivers and coefficient matrices in the context of financial entities and functional objects.